From Maya Saffery: "What’s our vision for the future you ask? As our kāne of @uluponui, Kaleomanuiwa and Peehi, depict in their lole heleuī, it is a thriving Kawainui fishpond full of fish with people tending its walls and waters and throwing net to feed their families again. It is a healthy ʻāina covered in loʻi, growing both kalo and Kānaka. When balance and abundance is restored to this piko of our ahupuaʻa so will balance and abundanced be restored to Kailua. Mahalo e Hawai'i People's Fund for posing the question, for creating a space last night for us to share it, and for your kākoʻo in helping us achieve this vision. Mahalo hoʻi to our Hikaʻalani crew for representing at this event and to those of you who came to support us and all the other HPF grantees."
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December 2020