130 Kailua Intermediate 8th graders walked up the the hill to the piko of Kailua to learn from the land why our ahupuaʻa is the bestes ever.... We had an opening circle and then split them up into 5 stations, mo]olelo (with Maya), kilo/kākau (with David Lau from the YMCA), loʻi (me), heiau (Ryan), and water quality (Derek Esibill, Manning Tate, and Hinano). There was also a wash-up station that one of the KIS teachers manned. We ended with a closing circle. Even though it felt rushed because there was so much students and so little time, it was a great day...The most important crop we can mahi is the aloha ʻāina relationships between our keiki and our ʻāina/wahi pana. – Kaleomanuʻiwa Wong Comments are closed.
December 2020